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Charity Premium API

Charity Premium

This documentation introduces the OrgHunter Charity API's Premium method, your comprehensive solution for accessing in-depth charity data. By providing the charity's EIN and your API key, you unlock a wealth of information, including detailed financials, geographic data, and current IRS status. This powerful API is perfect for developers who want to build feature-rich applications that incorporate financial visualizations, interactive maps, and detailed charity profiles, all in a single API call.

This method enables you to generate detailed information on a specific charity. This method accepts two parameters, your API key and the charity's EIN. The charity Premium API is our most comprehensive and provides detailed information on the charity including its current status with the IRS. This API is an excellent option if you intend to include detailed financial information, financial charts and graphs along with detailed mapping information.

HTTP method
Charity Premium API End Point
Request URL Example
cURL Example
curl -v -X POST ""
Search Parameters
ParameterData TypeRequired/OptionalDescription
einstringrequiredEmployer Identification Number (EIN)
Response Values:
The following values are returned
NameData TypeDescription
einNumberEmployer Identification Number (EIN)
nameStringPrimary Name of Organization
inCareOfNameStringIn Care of Name
streetStringStreet Address
stateStringState - Full State Name
zipCodeStringZip Code
groupExemptionNumberGroup Exemption Number
subsectionStringSubsection Description
classificationStringClassification Description
affiliationStringAffiliation Description
rullingDate*StringRulling Date - Month, YYYY
deductibilityStringDeductibility Description
deductibilityStatusStringDeductibility Status Description
foundationStringFoundation Description
activity1StringActivity Codes Description
activity2StringActivity Codes Description
activity3StringActivity Codes Description
organizationStringOrganization Description
exemptStatusStringExempt Organization Status Description
taxPeriod*StringTax Period Description
assetCodeDescStringAsset Code Description
incomeCodeDescStringIncome Code Description
filingRequirementCodeDescStringFiling Requirement Code Description
pfFilingRequirementCodeDescStringPF Filing Requirement Code Description
accountingPeriod*StringAccounting Period Description
assetAmountStringAsset Amount
incomeAmountStringIncome Amount (includes negative sign if amount is negative)
form990StringForm 990 Revenue Amount (includes negative sign if amount is negative)
nteeCdStringNational Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) Code
nteeClassStringNational Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) Code
nteeTypeStringNational Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) Code
sortNameStringSort Name (Secondary Name Line)
revocationDt*StringRevocation Date
revPostingDt*StringRevocation Posting Date
irsRevocationStatusNumberIf the status = 4 then the organization is on the IRS revocation file and not on the pub78 file. If the status = 1 then the organization is on the Pub78 file.
latitudeStringLatitude Information
longitudeStringLongitude Information
totcntrbgftsStringTotal contributions
totprgmrevnueStringProgram service revenue
invstmntincStringInvestment income
txexmptbndsproceedsStringTax-exempt bond proceeds
grsrntsrealStringGross rents -- Real estate
grsrntsprsnlStringGross rents -- Personal property
grsalesecurStringGross sales -- Securities
grsalesothrStringGross sales -- Other assets
grsincfndrsngStringGross fundraising
grsincgamingStringGross income from gaming
grsalesinventStringGross sales of inventory
totrevenueStringTotal revenue
totfuncexpnsStringTotal functional expenses
totassetsendStringTotal assets -- eoy
totliabendStringTotal liabilities -- eoy
totnetassetsendStringTotal Net Assets -- eoy
grntstogovtStringGrants to governments/orgs in the US
grnsttoindivStringGrants to individuals in the US
grntstofrgngovtStringGrants to orgs and individuals outside the US
benifitsmembrsStringBenefits paid to or for members
compnsatncurrofcrStringCompensation of current officers, directors, etc
compnsatnandothrStringCompensation of disqualified persons
othrsalwagesStringOther salaries and wages
pensionplancontrbStringPension plan contributions
othremplyeebenefStringOther employee benefits
payrolltxStringPayroll taxes
feesforsrvcmgmtStringManagement fees
legalfeesStringLegal fees
accntingfeesStringAccounting fees
feesforsrvclobbyStringLobbying fees
profndraisingStringProfessional fundraising fees
feesforsrvcinvstmgmtStringInvestment management feed
feesforsrvcothrStringOther fees
advrtpromoStringAdvertising and promotion
officexpnsStringOffice expenses
infotechStringInformation technology
travelofpublicoffclStringTravel/entertainment expenses to public officials
converconventmtngStringConferences, conventions, meetings
interestamtStringInterest expense
pymtoaffiliatesStringPayments to affiliates
deprcatndepletnStringDepreciation, depletion, amortization
othrexpnsaStringOther expenses 24a
othrexpnsbStringOther expenses 24b
othrexpnscStringOther expenses 24c
othrexpnsdStringOther expenses 24d
othrexpnseStringOther expenses 24e
othrexpnsfStringOther expenses 24f
acceptingDonationsstringOrganization Accepts Donations 1=Yes, 0=No
Response Body Example
      "code": 200,
      "msg": "OK, all went through!",
            "ein": "271742079",
            "inCareOfName": "LAURIE COLLINGS",
            "street": "PO BOX 2731",
            "city": "VERO BEACH",
            "state": "FL",
            "zipCode": "32961-2731",
            "country": "USA",
            "groupExemption": null,
            "subsection": "501(c)(3)",
            "classification": "Charitable Organization",
            "affiliation": "Independent - This code is used if the organization is an independent organization or an independent auxiliary (i.e., not affiliated with a National, Regional, or Geographic grouping of organizations).",
            "rullingDate": "February, 2011",
            "deductibility": "Contributions are deductible.",
            "deductibilityStatus": "PC",
            "foundation": "Organization which receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or the general public 170(b)(1)(A)(vi)",
            "activity1": null,
            "activity2": null,
            "activity3": null,
            "organization": "Corporation",
            "exemptStatus": "Unconditional Exemption",
            "taxPeriod": "December, 2014",
            "assetCodeDesc": "0",
            "incomeCodeDesc": "0",
            "filingRequirementCodeDesc ": "Not required to file (income less than $25,000)",
            "pfFilingRequirementCodeDesc": "No PF return",
            "accountingPeriod": "December",
            "assetAmount": "0.00",
            "incomeAmount": "0.00",
            "form990": "0.00",
            "nteeCd": "S03",
            "nteeClass": "Professional Societies, Associations",
            "nteeType": "Community Improvement, Capacity Building",
            "sortName": "",
            "revocationDt": null,
            "revPostingDt": null,
            "irsRevocationStatus": null,
            "latitude": "27.690060",
            "longitude": "-80.412682",
            "totcntrbgfts": null,
            "totprgmrevnue": null,
            "invstmntinc": null,
            "txexmptbndsproceeds": null,
            "royaltsinc": null,
            "grsrntsreal": null,
            "grsrntsprsnl": null,
            "grsalesecur": null,
            "grsalesothr": null,
            "grsincfndrsng": null,
            "grsincgaming": null,
            "grsalesinvent": null,
            "totrevenue": null,
            "totfuncexpns": null,
            "totassetsend": null,
            "totliabend": null,
            "totnetassetsend": null,
            "grntstogovt": null,
            "grnsttoindiv": null,
            "grntstofrgngovt": null,
            "benifitsmembrs": null,
            "compnsatncurrofcr": null,
            "compnsatnandothr": null,
            "othrsalwages": null,
            "pensionplancontrb": null,
            "othremplyeebenef": null,
            "payrolltx": null,
            "feesforsrvcmgmt": null,
            "legalfees": null,
            "accntingfees": null,
            "feesforsrvclobby": null,
            "profndraising": null,
            "feesforsrvcinvstmgmt": null,
            "feesforsrvcothr": null,
            "advrtpromo": null,
            "officexpns": null,
            "infotech": null,
            "royaltsexpns": null,
            "occupancy": null,
            "travel": null,
            "travelofpublicoffcl": null,
            "converconventmtng": null,
            "interestamt": null,
            "pymtoaffiliates": null,
            "deprcatndepletn": null,
            "insurance": null,
            "othrexpnsa": null,
            "othrexpnsb": null,
            "othrexpnsc": null,
            "othrexpnsd": null,
            "othrexpnse": null,
            "othrexpnsf": null,
            "acceptingDonations": "1"
Common Codes
Not Authorized403
No Results Found404
Server Error500

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