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Charity Search Summary API - Start Here

Charity Search

This document outlines the powerful search capabilities of the OrgHunter Charity API. Leverage this functionality to build robust search experiences within your application, enabling users to efficiently locate IRS-registered nonprofits. Explore the available search parameters, learn how to implement pagination for streamlined results, and discover how to filter for eligible organizations. This API provides the tools you need to create dynamic and user-friendly charity search features.

This method enables you to search the entire database of IRS registered nonprofits. Use this API to return multiple charities based on user inputs such as an EIN, charity name, category, city, state, and ZIP Code. You can control the number of records that are returned and page position to implement Pagination. To filter out ineligible organizations simply pass the value eligible=1.

NEW GIS Support - The Charity Search Summary API now supports Longitude, Latitude and Distance. We are ready to support your GIS requirement and innovative Geo Location based applications and websites. Longitude and Latitude data available on 2.5M charities.

HTTP method
Charity Search API End Point
Request URL Example
cURL Example
curl -v -X POST ""
Search Parameters
ParameterData TypeRequired/OptionalDescription
user_keystringrequiredYour API Key
einnumberoptionalEmployer Identification Number (EIN)
searchTermstringoptionalCharity Name or Keyword. Example: "humane society" or "cancer"
citystringoptionalCity name. Example: "Miami"
statestringoptionalState name - Two-letter state abbreviation
zipCodestringoptionalZipcode value - 5 digit zipcode value
form990_amount_minnumericoptionalForm 990 amount - number only, no spaces, commas, or decimals. Returns records with revenue greater than or equal to an amount
form990_amount_maxnumericoptionalForm 990 amount - number only, no spaces, commas, or decimals. Returns records with revenue less than or equal to an amount
latitudenumericoptionalLatitude value - longitude must be supplied along with a latitude value
longitudenumericoptionalLongitude value - latitude must be supplied along with a longitude value
distancenumericoptionalLongitude and latitude must be supplied when passing a distance value. Distance will be calculated in miles (10 mile maximum)
categorystringoptionalCategory Value Selected from Categories API, multiple values can be passed and separated by a coma
eligiblestringoptionaleligible=1 will return only organizations that are tax-deductible and in good standing with the IRS
rowsnumberoptionalRecords Per Page. Default Value = 20
startnumberoptionalRecord Set Start Position-Remove Me
Response Values:
The following values are returned
NameData TypeDescription
einstringEmployer Identification Number (EIN)
charityNamestringCharity Name
categorystringCategory Description
urlstringURL Link to the Detail Page
citystringOrganization City
statestringOrganization State
zipCodenumberOrganization Zip Code
websitestringOrganization Website Address
missionStatementstringOrganization Mission Statement
longitudestringLongitude Value
latitudestringLatitude Value
acceptingDonationsstringOrganization Accepts Donations 1=Yes, 0=No
startnumberSearch Result Score
rowsnumberNumber of Records Requested
recordCountnumberTotal Records Available
scorenumberSearch Result Score
Response Body Example
    "code": 200, 
    "msg": "OK, all went through!",
              "ein": "271742079",
              "category": "Community Improvement, Capacity Building",
              "url": "",
              "donationUrl": "",
              "eligibleCd": 1, "city": "VERO BEACH",
              "state": "Florida",
              "zipCode": "32961-2731",
              "deductibilityCd": 1, 
              "statusCd": 1, 
              "start": 0, "rows": 20, 
              "recordCount": 204, 
              "score": 8.947861, 
              "website": "",
              "missionStatement": "Mission Statement Value",
              "acceptingDonations": 1 
Common Codes
Not Authorized403
No Results Found404
Server Error500

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